Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Pastor David?

Every once in a while you see or do something that makes you realize just how far you have come. Two weeks ago when I drove up to the church on Sunday morning. As I passed the sign in the front of the church, I noticed that my name was there. And even more than that, my name had this strange prefix "Pastor." It is another one of those signs that I might be growing up.


Anonymous said...

Bring back the ear.

And that sign, freaky. You're a professional now. That's pretty sweet.

Unknown said...

ach, little Davey, aye. I knew him when he was but a wee freshman in college... always at it with his video games 'n all. Them young 'uns do grow up fast, don't they? :)

Kate Davidson said...

It is quite an odd feeling. I'm Intern Pastor Kate now but it often gets shortened to Pastor Kate. Kind of an odd feeling... But to see it on a sign.... hmmmm...