Sunday, July 09, 2006


The first day of the second session.

Today started out with a nice break, I did not have to preach. The whole Adamsville community came together for a worship service to honor the volunteers who work in the fire and EMS departments. It was a neat service. They held it in the community park and just had everyone bring lawn chairs. The service was rather informal, all I did was lead a responsive reading. Someone from the UCC church preached and encouraged us all to think of ourselves as the landowner in the parable of the workers. It was a new spin on a familiar text. There was a pot luck after the service which as always produced great food.

The next group of kids for the sampler program arrived today. There are only five of them so the pace has slowed considerably from the last group. This means that the group is likely going to have a chance to get even closer, but as counselors we are going to have to be even more vigilent in watching for group dynamic things.

Tomorrow we will head to the mid-ohio workers association. This was my least favorite thing that we did in the last session. I guess it will be nice to get it out of the way. This group does not take any funding from the government and will not be affiliated with any organization that does. While I can see why that might be a nice position to take from a philosophical stand point, it just seems to be such a colossal waste of time and effort since they duplicate so many of the systems which are already established to help the same group of people that they want to help. I just don't get it. Maybe I'll be able to get some answers tomorrow.

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