Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Worship Wars

With the exception of the ELCA sexuality study, it is difficult to think of a topic that is more devisive in today's lutheran congregations than the battle over contemporary or traditional worship. The topic came up in class again the other day. We heard the typical arguments, "Traditional worship is no longer relevant,""Contemporary worship throws the baby out with the bathwater and disregard tradition."

However, I am beginning to think of the debate in slighly different terms. As I think back over my worship life, I can think of times when I felt particularly close to God. Some of those times were within "traditional" worship and some were within "contemporary" settings. I think that what I am really looking for is something authentic, something genuine. What is most important is that people are earnestly and fervently praising God. If that means robes and candles or projectors and drums, then go for it.


Unknown said...

how about hallucinogenic drugs? like peyote? ;) Just to be incendiary...

Unknown said...

i can't believe you're moderating comments... what ever happened to freedom of speech???

"He's oppressing me!!!"

Sillie Lizzie said...

That "something authentic" is the Holy Spirit, and He isn't limited by a style of liturgy. If you want to experience God, try sitting down with an open bible and no preconceived notions. Just read it and let Him talk to you from the text.

He will rock your world, and no liturgy will ever be the same again.